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importing CoinManage

Importing from Coinmanage 2019. Using option for Coinmanage 2011 imports coin definitions but not information on owned coins. Can't tell how import finishes because import closes OpenNumismat after lengthy process.

gary Bishop , 15.06.2019, 20:01
Idea status: completed


OpenNumismat, 22.11.2019, 10:25
Can you provide more info?
Gary Bishop, 22.11.2019, 21:22
importing from CoinManage 2019 creates the coin definitions. It doesn't import how many of any coins I own, their value, cost, or any other data fields unique to my coins. Therefore, in order to use OpenNumismat I would then have to manually complete all those fields. Apparently the import program doesn't use all the tables from CoinManage.
OpenNumismat, 06.03.2020, 07:47
Try don't import pre-defined coins
Gary Bishop, 09.03.2020, 03:15
That worked! Thanks. Only remaining issue is that it didn't import the current value of the coin.

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