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[v1.8.2] TypeError - d:\OpenNumismat\open-numismat\OpenNumismat\ListView.py:112

OpenNumismat: 1.8.2
OS: Windows 10 (10.0.18362)
Python: 3.4.4 (32bit)
Qt: 5.5.1
Locale: de

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\OpenNumismat\open-numismat\OpenNumismat\PageView.py", line 611, in modelChanged
File "d:\OpenNumismat\open-numismat\OpenNumismat\ListView.py", line 739, in modelChanged
File "d:\OpenNumismat\open-numismat\OpenNumismat\ListView.py", line 112, in modelChanged
TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not NoneType

Theres nothing related to D:\ on my current Open Numismat installation.
D:\ is an archive with an old backup db of Open Numismat, but the current installation is on "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenNumismat\OpenNumismat.exe" and the DB is stored on a network drive (H:\)

Christoph , 31.08.2019, 21:22
Idea status: under consideration


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